Instantly engage and convert your website visitors with personalized, interactive messages that drive results.

Boost your website engagement with interactive messages that

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Notifuze - Personalized notifications for web apps | Product Hunt
'Engage your audience with personalized, targeted messaging.'see our docs to learn more

What does notifuze do?

Effortless Message Creation

Craft personalized messages effortlessly, tailored to your visitors' interests and behaviors.


Elevate your conversion rates with engaging and interactive messages that captivate your audience.

Precise Targeting

Connect with the right audience at the perfect moment. Our powerful targeting system reaches new visitors, repeat visitors, and more.

Smart Scheduling

Control your messaging timeline with precision. Schedule messages to appear at the ideal moment, with specific start and end dates.

Seamless Integration

Easily integrate with your existing React app or website for a smooth, hassle-free experience.

Actionable Insights (Coming Soon)

Gain detailed analytics to track message performance. Measure impressions, click-through rates, and conversions to optimize your strategy.

Customization Options (Coming Soon)

Customize the look and feel of your messages to perfectly match your brand's identity.

How it works and how can you use it?

Here is a video demo of the app in action.

Read the docs



Get started with our free plan and experience the power of our platform.

  • Send notifications to your users
  • Manage your notifications
  • Schedule notifications
  • Show notifications based on priority
  • Show notifications based on Interval
  • Show notifications based on Newest or Frequent users
  • unlimited Projects
  • Limit of 2 projects
Get Started


Unlock unlimited projects and support with our Pro plan.

  • Send notifications to your users
  • Manage your notifications
  • Schedule notifications
  • Show notifications based on priority
  • Show notifications based on Interval
  • Show notifications based on Newest or Frequent users
  • unlimited Projects
  • Upgrade for just $3 / month (limited-time launch price)